- 'user_activation_key' * - 'user_status' * - 'spam' (only available on multisite installs) * - 'deleted' (only available on multisite installs) * - 'all' for all fields and loads user meta. * - 'all_with_meta' Deprecated. Use 'all'. * Default 'all'. * @type string $who Type of users to query. Accepts 'authors'. * Default empty (all users). * @type bool|string[] $has_published_posts Pass an array of post types to filter results to users who have * published posts in those post types. `true` is an alias for all * public post types. * @type string $nicename The user nicename. Default empty. * @type string[] $nicename__in An array of nicenames to include. Users matching one of these * nicenames will be included in results. Default empty array. * @type string[] $nicename__not_in An array of nicenames to exclude. Users matching one of these * nicenames will not be included in results. Default empty array. * @type string $login The user login. Default empty. * @type string[] $login__in An array of logins to include. Users matching one of these * logins will be included in results. Default empty array. * @type string[] $login__not_in An array of logins to exclude. Users matching one of these * logins will not be included in results. Default empty array. * @type bool $cache_results Whether to cache user information. Default true. * } */ public function prepare_query( $query = array() ) { global $wpdb, $wp_roles; if ( empty( $this->query_vars ) || ! empty( $query ) ) { $this->query_limit = null; $this->query_vars = $this->fill_query_vars( $query ); } /** * Fires before the WP_User_Query has been parsed. * * The passed WP_User_Query object contains the query variables, * not yet passed into SQL. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param WP_User_Query $query Current instance of WP_User_Query (passed by reference). */ do_action_ref_array( 'pre_get_users', array( &$this ) ); // Ensure that query vars are filled after 'pre_get_users'. $qv =& $this->query_vars; $qv = $this->fill_query_vars( $qv ); $allowed_fields = array( 'id', 'user_login', 'user_pass', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'user_status', 'display_name', ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $allowed_fields[] = 'spam'; $allowed_fields[] = 'deleted'; } if ( is_array( $qv['fields'] ) ) { $qv['fields'] = array_map( 'strtolower', $qv['fields'] ); $qv['fields'] = array_intersect( array_unique( $qv['fields'] ), $allowed_fields ); if ( empty( $qv['fields'] ) ) { $qv['fields'] = array( 'id' ); } $this->query_fields = array(); foreach ( $qv['fields'] as $field ) { $field = 'id' === $field ? 'ID' : sanitize_key( $field ); $this->query_fields[] = "$wpdb->users.$field"; } $this->query_fields = implode( ',', $this->query_fields ); } elseif ( 'all_with_meta' === $qv['fields'] || 'all' === $qv['fields'] || ! in_array( $qv['fields'], $allowed_fields, true ) ) { $this->query_fields = "$wpdb->users.ID"; } else { $field = 'id' === strtolower( $qv['fields'] ) ? 'ID' : sanitize_key( $qv['fields'] ); $this->query_fields = "$wpdb->users.$field"; } if ( isset( $qv['count_total'] ) && $qv['count_total'] ) { $this->query_fields = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $this->query_fields; } $this->query_from = "FROM $wpdb->users"; $this->query_where = 'WHERE 1=1'; // Parse and sanitize 'include', for use by 'orderby' as well as 'include' below. if ( ! empty( $qv['include'] ) ) { $include = wp_parse_id_list( $qv['include'] ); } else { $include = false; } $blog_id = 0; if ( isset( $qv['blog_id'] ) ) { $blog_id = absint( $qv['blog_id'] ); } if ( $qv['has_published_posts'] && $blog_id ) { if ( true === $qv['has_published_posts'] ) { $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ) ); } else { $post_types = (array) $qv['has_published_posts']; } foreach ( $post_types as &$post_type ) { $post_type = $wpdb->prepare( '%s', $post_type ); } $posts_table = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'posts'; $this->query_where .= " AND $wpdb->users.ID IN ( SELECT DISTINCT $posts_table.post_author FROM $posts_table WHERE $posts_table.post_status = 'publish' AND $posts_table.post_type IN ( " . implode( ', ', $post_types ) . ' ) )'; } // nicename if ( '' !== $qv['nicename'] ) { $this->query_where .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND user_nicename = %s', $qv['nicename'] ); } if ( ! empty( $qv['nicename__in'] ) ) { $sanitized_nicename__in = array_map( 'esc_sql', $qv['nicename__in'] ); $nicename__in = implode( "','", $sanitized_nicename__in ); $this->query_where .= " AND user_nicename IN ( '$nicename__in' )"; } if ( ! empty( $qv['nicename__not_in'] ) ) { $sanitized_nicename__not_in = array_map( 'esc_sql', $qv['nicename__not_in'] ); $nicename__not_in = implode( "','", $sanitized_nicename__not_in ); $this->query_where .= " AND user_nicename NOT IN ( '$nicename__not_in' )"; } // login if ( '' !== $qv['login'] ) { $this->query_where .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND user_login = %s', $qv['login'] ); } if ( ! empty( $qv['login__in'] ) ) { $sanitized_login__in = array_map( 'esc_sql', $qv['login__in'] ); $login__in = implode( "','", $sanitized_login__in ); $this->query_where .= " AND user_login IN ( '$login__in' )"; } if ( ! empty( $qv['login__not_in'] ) ) { $sanitized_login__not_in = array_map( 'esc_sql', $qv['login__not_in'] ); $login__not_in = implode( "','", $sanitized_login__not_in ); $this->query_where .= " AND user_login NOT IN ( '$login__not_in' )"; } // Meta query. $this->meta_query = new WP_Meta_Query(); $this->meta_query->parse_query_vars( $qv ); if ( isset( $qv['who'] ) && 'authors' === $qv['who'] && $blog_id ) { _deprecated_argument( 'WP_User_Query', '5.9.0', sprintf( /* translators: 1: who, 2: capability */ __( '%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead.' ), 'who', 'capability' ) ); $who_query = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'user_level', 'value' => 0, 'compare' => '!=', ); // Prevent extra meta query. $qv['blog_id'] = 0; $blog_id = 0; if ( empty( $this->meta_query->queries ) ) { $this->meta_query->queries = array( $who_query ); } else { // Append the cap query to the original queries and reparse the query. $this->meta_query->queries = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( $this->meta_query->queries, $who_query ), ); } $this->meta_query->parse_query_vars( $this->meta_query->queries ); } // Roles. $roles = array(); if ( isset( $qv['role'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $qv['role'] ) ) { $roles = $qv['role']; } elseif ( is_string( $qv['role'] ) && ! empty( $qv['role'] ) ) { $roles = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $qv['role'] ) ); } } $role__in = array(); if ( isset( $qv['role__in'] ) ) { $role__in = (array) $qv['role__in']; } $role__not_in = array(); if ( isset( $qv['role__not_in'] ) ) { $role__not_in = (array) $qv['role__not_in']; } // Capabilities. $available_roles = array(); if ( ! empty( $qv['capability'] ) || ! empty( $qv['capability__in'] ) || ! empty( $qv['capability__not_in'] ) ) { $wp_roles->for_site( $blog_id ); $available_roles = $wp_roles->roles; } $capabilities = array(); if ( ! empty( $qv['capability'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $qv['capability'] ) ) { $capabilities = $qv['capability']; } elseif ( is_string( $qv['capability'] ) ) { $capabilities = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $qv['capability'] ) ); } } $capability__in = array(); if ( ! empty( $qv['capability__in'] ) ) { $capability__in = (array) $qv['capability__in']; } $capability__not_in = array(); if ( ! empty( $qv['capability__not_in'] ) ) { $capability__not_in = (array) $qv['capability__not_in']; } // Keep track of all capabilities and the roles they're added on. $caps_with_roles = array(); foreach ( $available_roles as $role => $role_data ) { $role_caps = array_keys( array_filter( $role_data['capabilities'] ) ); foreach ( $capabilities as $cap ) { if ( in_array( $cap, $role_caps, true ) ) { $caps_with_roles[ $cap ][] = $role; break; } } foreach ( $capability__in as $cap ) { if ( in_array( $cap, $role_caps, true ) ) { $role__in[] = $role; break; } } foreach ( $capability__not_in as $cap ) { if ( in_array( $cap, $role_caps, true ) ) { $role__not_in[] = $role; break; } } } $role__in = array_merge( $role__in, $capability__in ); $role__not_in = array_merge( $role__not_in, $capability__not_in ); $roles = array_unique( $roles ); $role__in = array_unique( $role__in ); $role__not_in = array_unique( $role__not_in ); // Support querying by capabilities added directly to users. if ( $blog_id && ! empty( $capabilities ) ) { $capabilities_clauses = array( 'relation' => 'AND' ); foreach ( $capabilities as $cap ) { $clause = array( 'relation' => 'OR' ); $clause[] = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'capabilities', 'value' => '"' . $cap . '"', 'compare' => 'LIKE', ); if ( ! empty( $caps_with_roles[ $cap ] ) ) { foreach ( $caps_with_roles[ $cap ] as $role ) { $clause[] = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'capabilities', 'value' => '"' . $role . '"', 'compare' => 'LIKE', ); } } $capabilities_clauses[] = $clause; } $role_queries[] = $capabilities_clauses; if ( empty( $this->meta_query->queries ) ) { $this->meta_query->queries[] = $capabilities_clauses; } else { // Append the cap query to the original queries and reparse the query. $this->meta_query->queries = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( $this->meta_query->queries, array( $capabilities_clauses ) ), ); } $this->meta_query->parse_query_vars( $this->meta_query->queries ); } if ( $blog_id && ( ! empty( $roles ) || ! empty( $role__in ) || ! empty( $role__not_in ) || is_multisite() ) ) { $role_queries = array(); $roles_clauses = array( 'relation' => 'AND' ); if ( ! empty( $roles ) ) { foreach ( $roles as $role ) { $roles_clauses[] = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'capabilities', 'value' => '"' . $role . '"', 'compare' => 'LIKE', ); } $role_queries[] = $roles_clauses; } $role__in_clauses = array( 'relation' => 'OR' ); if ( ! empty( $role__in ) ) { foreach ( $role__in as $role ) { $role__in_clauses[] = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'capabilities', 'value' => '"' . $role . '"', 'compare' => 'LIKE', ); } $role_queries[] = $role__in_clauses; } $role__not_in_clauses = array( 'relation' => 'AND' ); if ( ! empty( $role__not_in ) ) { foreach ( $role__not_in as $role ) { $role__not_in_clauses[] = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'capabilities', 'value' => '"' . $role . '"', 'compare' => 'NOT LIKE', ); } $role_queries[] = $role__not_in_clauses; } // If there are no specific roles named, make sure the user is a member of the site. if ( empty( $role_queries ) ) { $role_queries[] = array( 'key' => $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'capabilities', 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ); } // Specify that role queries should be joined with AND. $role_queries['relation'] = 'AND'; if ( empty( $this->meta_query->queries ) ) { $this->meta_query->queries = $role_queries; } else { // Append the cap query to the original queries and reparse the query. $this->meta_query->queries = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( $this->meta_query->queries, $role_queries ), ); } $this->meta_query->parse_query_vars( $this->meta_query->queries ); } if ( ! empty( $this->meta_query->queries ) ) { $clauses = $this->meta_query->get_sql( 'user', $wpdb->users, 'ID', $this ); $this->query_from .= $clauses['join']; $this->query_where .= $clauses['where']; if ( $this->meta_query->has_or_relation() ) { $this->query_fields = 'DISTINCT ' . $this->query_fields; } } // Sorting. $qv['order'] = isset( $qv['order'] ) ? strtoupper( $qv['order'] ) : ''; $order = $this->parse_order( $qv['order'] ); if ( empty( $qv['orderby'] ) ) { // Default order is by 'user_login'. $ordersby = array( 'user_login' => $order ); } elseif ( is_array( $qv['orderby'] ) ) { $ordersby = $qv['orderby']; } else { // 'orderby' values may be a comma- or space-separated list. $ordersby = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', $qv['orderby'] ); } $orderby_array = array(); foreach ( $ordersby as $_key => $_value ) { if ( ! $_value ) { continue; } if ( is_int( $_key ) ) { // Integer key means this is a flat array of 'orderby' fields. $_orderby = $_value; $_order = $order; } else { // Non-integer key means this the key is the field and the value is ASC/DESC. $_orderby = $_key; $_order = $_value; } $parsed = $this->parse_orderby( $_orderby ); if ( ! $parsed ) { continue; } if ( 'nicename__in' === $_orderby || 'login__in' === $_orderby ) { $orderby_array[] = $parsed; } else { $orderby_array[] = $parsed . ' ' . $this->parse_order( $_order ); } } // If no valid clauses were found, order by user_login. if ( empty( $orderby_array ) ) { $orderby_array[] = "user_login $order"; } $this->query_orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . implode( ', ', $orderby_array ); // Limit. if ( isset( $qv['number'] ) && $qv['number'] > 0 ) { if ( $qv['offset'] ) { $this->query_limit = $wpdb->prepare( 'LIMIT %d, %d', $qv['offset'], $qv['number'] ); } else { $this->query_limit = $wpdb->prepare( 'LIMIT %d, %d', $qv['number'] * ( $qv['paged'] - 1 ), $qv['number'] ); } } $search = ''; if ( isset( $qv['search'] ) ) { $search = trim( $qv['search'] ); } if ( $search ) { $leading_wild = ( ltrim( $search, '*' ) !== $search ); $trailing_wild = ( rtrim( $search, '*' ) !== $search ); if ( $leading_wild && $trailing_wild ) { $wild = 'both'; } elseif ( $leading_wild ) { $wild = 'leading'; } elseif ( $trailing_wild ) { $wild = 'trailing'; } else { $wild = false; } if ( $wild ) { $search = trim( $search, '*' ); } $search_columns = array(); if ( $qv['search_columns'] ) { $search_columns = array_intersect( $qv['search_columns'], array( 'ID', 'user_login', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_nicename', 'display_name' ) ); } if ( ! $search_columns ) { if ( str_contains( $search, '@' ) ) { $search_columns = array( 'user_email' ); } elseif ( is_numeric( $search ) ) { $search_columns = array( 'user_login', 'ID' ); } elseif ( preg_match( '|^https?://|', $search ) && ! ( is_multisite() && wp_is_large_network( 'users' ) ) ) { $search_columns = array( 'user_url' ); } else { $search_columns = array( 'user_login', 'user_url', 'user_email', 'user_nicename', 'display_name' ); } } /** * Filters the columns to search in a WP_User_Query search. * * The default columns depend on the search term, and include 'ID', 'user_login', * 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_nicename', and 'display_name'. * * @since 3.6.0 * * @param string[] $search_columns Array of column names to be searched. * @param string $search Text being searched. * @param WP_User_Query $query The current WP_User_Query instance. */ $search_columns = apply_filters( 'user_search_columns', $search_columns, $search, $this ); $this->query_where .= $this->get_search_sql( $search, $search_columns, $wild ); } if ( ! empty( $include ) ) { // Sanitized earlier. $ids = implode( ',', $include ); $this->query_where .= " AND $wpdb->users.ID IN ($ids)"; } elseif ( ! empty( $qv['exclude'] ) ) { $ids = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $qv['exclude'] ) ); $this->query_where .= " AND $wpdb->users.ID NOT IN ($ids)"; } // Date queries are allowed for the user_registered field. if ( ! empty( $qv['date_query'] ) && is_array( $qv['date_query'] ) ) { $date_query = new WP_Date_Query( $qv['date_query'], 'user_registered' ); $this->query_where .= $date_query->get_sql(); } /** * Fires after the WP_User_Query has been parsed, and before * the query is executed. * * The passed WP_User_Query object contains SQL parts formed * from parsing the given query. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param WP_User_Query $query Current instance of WP_User_Query (passed by reference). */ do_action_ref_array( 'pre_user_query', array( &$this ) ); } /** * Executes the query, with the current variables. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. */ public function query() { global $wpdb; if ( ! did_action( 'plugins_loaded' ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( 'WP_User_Query::query', sprintf( /* translators: %s: plugins_loaded */ __( 'User queries should not be run before the %s hook.' ), 'plugins_loaded' ), '6.1.1' ); } $qv =& $this->query_vars; // Do not cache results if more than 3 fields are requested. if ( is_array( $qv['fields'] ) && count( $qv['fields'] ) > 3 ) { $qv['cache_results'] = false; } /** * Filters the users array before the query takes place. * * Return a non-null value to bypass WordPress' default user queries. * * Filtering functions that require pagination information are encouraged to set * the `total_users` property of the WP_User_Query object, passed to the filter * by reference. If WP_User_Query does not perform a database query, it will not * have enough information to generate these values itself. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param array|null $results Return an array of user data to short-circuit WP's user query * or null to allow WP to run its normal queries. * @param WP_User_Query $query The WP_User_Query instance (passed by reference). */ $this->results = apply_filters_ref_array( 'users_pre_query', array( null, &$this ) ); if ( null === $this->results ) { $this->request = " SELECT {$this->query_fields} {$this->query_from} {$this->query_where} {$this->query_orderby} {$this->query_limit} "; $cache_value = false; $cache_key = $this->generate_cache_key( $qv, $this->request ); $cache_group = 'user-queries'; if ( $qv['cache_results'] ) { $cache_value = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group ); } if ( false !== $cache_value ) { $this->results = $cache_value['user_data']; $this->total_users = $cache_value['total_users']; } else { if ( is_array( $qv['fields'] ) ) { $this->results = $wpdb->get_results( $this->request ); } else { $this->results = $wpdb->get_col( $this->request ); } if ( isset( $qv['count_total'] ) && $qv['count_total'] ) { /** * Filters SELECT FOUND_ROWS() query for the current WP_User_Query instance. * * @since 3.2.0 * @since 5.1.0 Added the `$this` parameter. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $sql The SELECT FOUND_ROWS() query for the current WP_User_Query. * @param WP_User_Query $query The current WP_User_Query instance. */ $found_users_query = apply_filters( 'found_users_query', 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', $this ); $this->total_users = (int) $wpdb->get_var( $found_users_query ); } if ( $qv['cache_results'] ) { $cache_value = array( 'user_data' => $this->results, 'total_users' => $this->total_users, ); wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $cache_value, $cache_group ); } } } if ( ! $this->results ) { return; } if ( is_array( $qv['fields'] ) && isset( $this->results[0]->ID ) ) { foreach ( $this->results as $result ) { $result->id = $result->ID; } } elseif ( 'all_with_meta' === $qv['fields'] || 'all' === $qv['fields'] ) { if ( function_exists( 'cache_users' ) ) { cache_users( $this->results ); } $r = array(); foreach ( $this->results as $userid ) { if ( 'all_with_meta' === $qv['fields'] ) { $r[ $userid ] = new WP_User( $userid, '', $qv['blog_id'] ); } else { $r[] = new WP_User( $userid, '', $qv['blog_id'] ); } } $this->results = $r; } } /** * Retrieves query variable. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param string $query_var Query variable key. * @return mixed */ public function get( $query_var ) { if ( isset( $this->query_vars[ $query_var ] ) ) { return $this->query_vars[ $query_var ]; } return null; } /** * Sets query variable. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param string $query_var Query variable key. * @param mixed $value Query variable value. */ public function set( $query_var, $value ) { $this->query_vars[ $query_var ] = $value; } /** * Used internally to generate an SQL string for searching across multiple columns. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $search Search string. * @param string[] $columns Array of columns to search. * @param bool $wild Whether to allow wildcard searches. Default is false for Network Admin, true for single site. * Single site allows leading and trailing wildcards, Network Admin only trailing. * @return string */ protected function get_search_sql( $search, $columns, $wild = false ) { global $wpdb; $searches = array(); $leading_wild = ( 'leading' === $wild || 'both' === $wild ) ? '%' : ''; $trailing_wild = ( 'trailing' === $wild || 'both' === $wild ) ? '%' : ''; $like = $leading_wild . $wpdb->esc_like( $search ) . $trailing_wild; foreach ( $columns as $column ) { if ( 'ID' === $column ) { $searches[] = $wpdb->prepare( "$column = %s", $search ); } else { $searches[] = $wpdb->prepare( "$column LIKE %s", $like ); } } return ' AND (' . implode( ' OR ', $searches ) . ')'; } /** * Returns the list of users. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @return array Array of results. */ public function get_results() { return $this->results; } /** * Returns the total number of users for the current query. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @return int Number of total users. */ public function get_total() { return $this->total_users; } /** * Parses and sanitizes 'orderby' keys passed to the user query. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $orderby Alias for the field to order by. * @return string Value to used in the ORDER clause, if `$orderby` is valid. */ protected function parse_orderby( $orderby ) { global $wpdb; $meta_query_clauses = $this->meta_query->get_clauses(); $_orderby = ''; if ( in_array( $orderby, array( 'login', 'nicename', 'email', 'url', 'registered' ), true ) ) { $_orderby = 'user_' . $orderby; } elseif ( in_array( $orderby, array( 'user_login', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered' ), true ) ) { $_orderby = $orderby; } elseif ( 'name' === $orderby || 'display_name' === $orderby ) { $_orderby = 'display_name'; } elseif ( 'post_count' === $orderby ) { // @todo Avoid the JOIN. $where = get_posts_by_author_sql( 'post' ); $this->query_from .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT post_author, COUNT(*) as post_count FROM $wpdb->posts $where GROUP BY post_author ) p ON ({$wpdb->users}.ID = p.post_author)"; $_orderby = 'post_count'; } elseif ( 'ID' === $orderby || 'id' === $orderby ) { $_orderby = 'ID'; } elseif ( 'meta_value' === $orderby || $this->get( 'meta_key' ) === $orderby ) { $_orderby = "$wpdb->usermeta.meta_value"; } elseif ( 'meta_value_num' === $orderby ) { $_orderby = "$wpdb->usermeta.meta_value+0"; } elseif ( 'include' === $orderby && ! empty( $this->query_vars['include'] ) ) { $include = wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['include'] ); $include_sql = implode( ',', $include ); $_orderby = "FIELD( $wpdb->users.ID, $include_sql )"; } elseif ( 'nicename__in' === $orderby ) { $sanitized_nicename__in = array_map( 'esc_sql', $this->query_vars['nicename__in'] ); $nicename__in = implode( "','", $sanitized_nicename__in ); $_orderby = "FIELD( user_nicename, '$nicename__in' )"; } elseif ( 'login__in' === $orderby ) { $sanitized_login__in = array_map( 'esc_sql', $this->query_vars['login__in'] ); $login__in = implode( "','", $sanitized_login__in ); $_orderby = "FIELD( user_login, '$login__in' )"; } elseif ( isset( $meta_query_clauses[ $orderby ] ) ) { $meta_clause = $meta_query_clauses[ $orderby ]; $_orderby = sprintf( 'CAST(%s.meta_value AS %s)', esc_sql( $meta_clause['alias'] ), esc_sql( $meta_clause['cast'] ) ); } return $_orderby; } /** * Generate cache key. * * @since 6.3.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param array $args Query arguments. * @param string $sql SQL statement. * @return string Cache key. */ protected function generate_cache_key( array $args, $sql ) { global $wpdb; // Replace wpdb placeholder in the SQL statement used by the cache key. $sql = $wpdb->remove_placeholder_escape( $sql ); $key = md5( $sql ); $last_changed = wp_cache_get_last_changed( 'users' ); if ( empty( $args['orderby'] ) ) { // Default order is by 'user_login'. $ordersby = array( 'user_login' => '' ); } elseif ( is_array( $args['orderby'] ) ) { $ordersby = $args['orderby']; } else { // 'orderby' values may be a comma- or space-separated list. $ordersby = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', $args['orderby'] ); } $blog_id = 0; if ( isset( $args['blog_id'] ) ) { $blog_id = absint( $args['blog_id'] ); } if ( $args['has_published_posts'] || in_array( 'post_count', $ordersby, true ) ) { $switch = $blog_id && get_current_blog_id() !== $blog_id; if ( $switch ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); } $last_changed .= wp_cache_get_last_changed( 'posts' ); if ( $switch ) { restore_current_blog(); } } return "get_users:$key:$last_changed"; } /** * Parses an 'order' query variable and casts it to ASC or DESC as necessary. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param string $order The 'order' query variable. * @return string The sanitized 'order' query variable. */ protected function parse_order( $order ) { if ( ! is_string( $order ) || empty( $order ) ) { return 'DESC'; } if ( 'ASC' === strtoupper( $order ) ) { return 'ASC'; } else { return 'DESC'; } } /** * Makes private properties readable for backward compatibility. * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 6.4.0 Getting a dynamic property is deprecated. * * @param string $name Property to get. * @return mixed Property. */ public function __get( $name ) { if ( in_array( $name, $this->compat_fields, true ) ) { return $this->$name; } wp_trigger_error( __METHOD__, "The property `{$name}` is not declared. Getting a dynamic property is " . 'deprecated since version 6.4.0! Instead, declare the property on the class.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return null; } /** * Makes private properties settable for backward compatibility. * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 6.4.0 Setting a dynamic property is deprecated. * * @param string $name Property to check if set. * @param mixed $value Property value. */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { if ( in_array( $name, $this->compat_fields, true ) ) { $this->$name = $value; return; } wp_trigger_error( __METHOD__, "The property `{$name}` is not declared. Setting a dynamic property is " . 'deprecated since version 6.4.0! Instead, declare the property on the class.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } /** * Makes private properties checkable for backward compatibility. * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 6.4.0 Checking a dynamic property is deprecated. * * @param string $name Property to check if set. * @return bool Whether the property is set. */ public function __isset( $name ) { if ( in_array( $name, $this->compat_fields, true ) ) { return isset( $this->$name ); } wp_trigger_error( __METHOD__, "The property `{$name}` is not declared. Checking `isset()` on a dynamic property " . 'is deprecated since version 6.4.0! Instead, declare the property on the class.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return false; } /** * Makes private properties un-settable for backward compatibility. * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 6.4.0 Unsetting a dynamic property is deprecated. * * @param string $name Property to unset. */ public function __unset( $name ) { if ( in_array( $name, $this->compat_fields, true ) ) { unset( $this->$name ); return; } wp_trigger_error( __METHOD__, "A property `{$name}` is not declared. Unsetting a dynamic property is " . 'deprecated since version 6.4.0! Instead, declare the property on the class.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } /** * Makes private/protected methods readable for backward compatibility. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param string $name Method to call. * @param array $arguments Arguments to pass when calling. * @return mixed Return value of the callback, false otherwise. */ public function __call( $name, $arguments ) { if ( 'get_search_sql' === $name ) { return $this->get_search_sql( ...$arguments ); } return false; } } Foto’s – Schildersclub Sint Joseph


St Jansfeesten 2018 te Sprundel Foto’s gemaakt door Martin Snijders.

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Expo 2018    foto’s gemaakt  door Martin Snijders.

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Expo 2017    foto’s gemaakt door Martin Snijders.

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Open dag 2016   foto’s gemaakt door Marij en Ad.

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Schildersdag 2016 foto’s gemaakt door dhr. Georg van Ginneken.

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Schildersdag 2016

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Project “dikke dames” 2016 foto’s van Daniel de Bruijn.

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Cursus Modeltekenen 2016 foto’s van Daniel de Bruijn.

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Workshop dieren schilderen 2016 foto’s van Daniel de Bruijn.

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Expo 2016 foto’s van Nicolette Valentijn.

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Dieren schilderen 2016.

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Aquarelcursus 2015.

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Kerststukjes maken 2015.

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Open dag 2015.

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