on( 'Cannot reconstruct active formatting elements when advancing and rewinding is required.' ); } /** * Runs the adoption agency algorithm. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input. * * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#adoption-agency-algorithm */ private function run_adoption_agency_algorithm() { $budget = 1000; $subject = $this->get_tag(); $current_node = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node(); if ( // > If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject $current_node && $subject === $current_node->node_name && // > the current node is not in the list of active formatting elements ! $this->state->active_formatting_elements->contains_node( $current_node ) ) { $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop(); return; } $outer_loop_counter = 0; while ( $budget-- > 0 ) { if ( $outer_loop_counter++ >= 8 ) { return; } /* * > Let formatting element be the last element in the list of active formatting elements that: * > - is between the end of the list and the last marker in the list, * > if any, or the start of the list otherwise, * > - and has the tag name subject. */ $formatting_element = null; foreach ( $this->state->active_formatting_elements->walk_up() as $item ) { if ( 'marker' === $item->node_name ) { break; } if ( $subject === $item->node_name ) { $formatting_element = $item; break; } } // > If there is no such element, then return and instead act as described in the "any other end tag" entry above. if ( null === $formatting_element ) { $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot run adoption agency when "any other end tag" is required.' ); } // > If formatting element is not in the stack of open elements, then this is a parse error; remove the element from the list, and return. if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains_node( $formatting_element ) ) { $this->state->active_formatting_elements->remove_node( $formatting_element->bookmark_name ); return; } // > If formatting element is in the stack of open elements, but the element is not in scope, then this is a parse error; return. if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( $formatting_element->node_name ) ) { return; } /* * > Let furthest block be the topmost node in the stack of open elements that is lower in the stack * > than formatting element, and is an element in the special category. There might not be one. */ $is_above_formatting_element = true; $furthest_block = null; foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_down() as $item ) { if ( $is_above_formatting_element && $formatting_element->bookmark_name !== $item->bookmark_name ) { continue; } if ( $is_above_formatting_element ) { $is_above_formatting_element = false; continue; } if ( self::is_special( $item->node_name ) ) { $furthest_block = $item; break; } } /* * > If there is no furthest block, then the UA must first pop all the nodes from the bottom of the * > stack of open elements, from the current node up to and including formatting element, then * > remove formatting element from the list of active formatting elements, and finally return. */ if ( null === $furthest_block ) { foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $item ) { $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop(); if ( $formatting_element->bookmark_name === $item->bookmark_name ) { $this->state->active_formatting_elements->remove_node( $formatting_element ); return; } } } $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot extract common ancestor in adoption agency algorithm.' ); } $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot run adoption agency when looping required.' ); } /** * Inserts an HTML element on the stack of open elements. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#insert-a-foreign-element * * @param WP_HTML_Token $token Name of bookmark pointing to element in original input HTML. */ private function insert_html_element( $token ) { $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->push( $token ); } /* * HTML Specification Helpers */ /** * Returns whether an element of a given name is in the HTML special category. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#special * * @param string $tag_name Name of element to check. * @return bool Whether the element of the given name is in the special category. */ public static function is_special( $tag_name ) { $tag_name = strtoupper( $tag_name ); return ( 'ADDRESS' === $tag_name || 'APPLET' === $tag_name || 'AREA' === $tag_name || 'ARTICLE' === $tag_name || 'ASIDE' === $tag_name || 'BASE' === $tag_name || 'BASEFONT' === $tag_name || 'BGSOUND' === $tag_name || 'BLOCKQUOTE' === $tag_name || 'BODY' === $tag_name || 'BR' === $tag_name || 'BUTTON' === $tag_name || 'CAPTION' === $tag_name || 'CENTER' === $tag_name || 'COL' === $tag_name || 'COLGROUP' === $tag_name || 'DD' === $tag_name || 'DETAILS' === $tag_name || 'DIR' === $tag_name || 'DIV' === $tag_name || 'DL' === $tag_name || 'DT' === $tag_name || 'EMBED' === $tag_name || 'FIELDSET' === $tag_name || 'FIGCAPTION' === $tag_name || 'FIGURE' === $tag_name || 'FOOTER' === $tag_name || 'FORM' === $tag_name || 'FRAME' === $tag_name || 'FRAMESET' === $tag_name || 'H1' === $tag_name || 'H2' === $tag_name || 'H3' === $tag_name || 'H4' === $tag_name || 'H5' === $tag_name || 'H6' === $tag_name || 'HEAD' === $tag_name || 'HEADER' === $tag_name || 'HGROUP' === $tag_name || 'HR' === $tag_name || 'HTML' === $tag_name || 'IFRAME' === $tag_name || 'IMG' === $tag_name || 'INPUT' === $tag_name || 'KEYGEN' === $tag_name || 'LI' === $tag_name || 'LINK' === $tag_name || 'LISTING' === $tag_name || 'MAIN' === $tag_name || 'MARQUEE' === $tag_name || 'MENU' === $tag_name || 'META' === $tag_name || 'NAV' === $tag_name || 'NOEMBED' === $tag_name || 'NOFRAMES' === $tag_name || 'NOSCRIPT' === $tag_name || 'OBJECT' === $tag_name || 'OL' === $tag_name || 'P' === $tag_name || 'PARAM' === $tag_name || 'PLAINTEXT' === $tag_name || 'PRE' === $tag_name || 'SCRIPT' === $tag_name || 'SEARCH' === $tag_name || 'SECTION' === $tag_name || 'SELECT' === $tag_name || 'SOURCE' === $tag_name || 'STYLE' === $tag_name || 'SUMMARY' === $tag_name || 'TABLE' === $tag_name || 'TBODY' === $tag_name || 'TD' === $tag_name || 'TEMPLATE' === $tag_name || 'TEXTAREA' === $tag_name || 'TFOOT' === $tag_name || 'TH' === $tag_name || 'THEAD' === $tag_name || 'TITLE' === $tag_name || 'TR' === $tag_name || 'TRACK' === $tag_name || 'UL' === $tag_name || 'WBR' === $tag_name || 'XMP' === $tag_name || // MathML. 'MI' === $tag_name || 'MO' === $tag_name || 'MN' === $tag_name || 'MS' === $tag_name || 'MTEXT' === $tag_name || 'ANNOTATION-XML' === $tag_name || // SVG. 'FOREIGNOBJECT' === $tag_name || 'DESC' === $tag_name || 'TITLE' === $tag_name ); } /** * Returns whether a given element is an HTML Void Element * * > area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, source, track, wbr * * @since 6.4.0 * * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#void-elements * * @param string $tag_name Name of HTML tag to check. * @return bool Whether the given tag is an HTML Void Element. */ public static function is_void( $tag_name ) { $tag_name = strtoupper( $tag_name ); return ( 'AREA' === $tag_name || 'BASE' === $tag_name || 'BR' === $tag_name || 'COL' === $tag_name || 'EMBED' === $tag_name || 'HR' === $tag_name || 'IMG' === $tag_name || 'INPUT' === $tag_name || 'LINK' === $tag_name || 'META' === $tag_name || 'SOURCE' === $tag_name || 'TRACK' === $tag_name || 'WBR' === $tag_name ); } /* * Constants that would pollute the top of the class if they were found there. */ /** * Indicates that the next HTML token should be parsed and processed. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @var string */ const PROCESS_NEXT_NODE = 'process-next-node'; /** * Indicates that the current HTML token should be reprocessed in the newly-selected insertion mode. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @var string */ const REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE = 'reprocess-current-node'; /** * Indicates that the parser encountered unsupported markup and has bailed. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @var string */ const ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported'; /** * Indicates that the parser encountered more HTML tokens than it * was able to process and has bailed. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @var string */ const ERROR_EXCEEDED_MAX_BOOKMARKS = 'exceeded-max-bookmarks'; /** * Unlock code that must be passed into the constructor to create this class. * * This class extends the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor, which has a public class * constructor. Therefore, it's not possible to have a private constructor here. * * This unlock code is used to ensure that anyone calling the constructor is * doing so with a full understanding that it's intended to be a private API. * * @access private */ const CONSTRUCTOR_UNLOCK_CODE = 'Use WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment() instead of calling the class constructor directly.'; } Foto’s – Schildersclub Sint Joseph


St Jansfeesten 2018 te Sprundel Foto’s gemaakt door Martin Snijders.

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Expo 2018    foto’s gemaakt  door Martin Snijders.

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Expo 2017    foto’s gemaakt door Martin Snijders.

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Open dag 2016   foto’s gemaakt door Marij en Ad.

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Schildersdag 2016 foto’s gemaakt door dhr. Georg van Ginneken.

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Schildersdag 2016

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Project “dikke dames” 2016 foto’s van Daniel de Bruijn.

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Cursus Modeltekenen 2016 foto’s van Daniel de Bruijn.

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Workshop dieren schilderen 2016 foto’s van Daniel de Bruijn.

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Expo 2016 foto’s van Nicolette Valentijn.

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Dieren schilderen 2016.

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Aquarelcursus 2015.

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Kerststukjes maken 2015.

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Open dag 2015.

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